Please see below for SuperCue's Privacy Policy, Disclaimers and Terms & Conditions.
April 2021
SuperCue - abbreviation for Club SuperCue Limited.
SuperMover Subscriber - an individual who subscribes to SuperCue's SuperMover Membership for the purpose of accessing the SuperMover library of online programmes, tutorials and other content for their own personal use.
Licensed SuperCue Instructor - an individual who may or may not have previous qualifications and experience in fitness instructing, although has successfully completed the 2-day SuperCue Instructor Course AND has a current License subscription with SuperCue.
Caregiver - any individual who is a volunteer or employed or contracted caregiver of a senior or other special population person, who may be interested in learning how to guide and motivate their client or family member/friend through a guided DVD, USB or online SuperCue fitness programme, routine or workout.
Certified SuperCue 1:1 Assistant - a caregiver (as outlined above) who has successfully completed the online SuperCue Assistant 1:1 training module and is certified to guide and motivate individuals through a guided DVD, USB or online SuperCue fitness programme.
Certified SuperCue Group Assistant - a caregiver (as outlined above) who has successfully completed the online SuperCue Group Assistant training module and is certified to guide and motivate individuals and / or groups through a guided DVD, USB or online SuperCue fitness programme, routine, or workout.
Supporter Organisation - an organisation that has an interest in fitness for seniors or other special populations and that has a current Supporter Subscription with SuperCue.
Licence Subscription - an annual subscription for Instructors and Organisations that allows them the right and access to SuperCue content and branding.
Privacy Policy
Information Collection and Use
Club SuperCue Limited will collect applicable information depending on what you do while you are at our website.
Opt-in to Newsletter
By purchasing a SuperCue product or if you sign up to the newsletter list, Club SuperCue Limited will collect your name and email address to allow relevant information and regular newsletters to be sent. Your information will never be sold, rented, traded or given in any way to another party. The user voluntarily submits this information. If you opt-in and no longer wish to receive communication from us, you can opt-out, at the bottom of your email or contact us at [email protected]
If you purchase a product from our site, your name, and payment information will be collected by Club SuperCue and Stripe. A secure server is used when accepting your information. All payments are processed through Stripe, which uses a secure server when accepting information. However, we receive your name, email address, phone number and mailing address to reference and process your order, and/or mail you the product. All of this information is provided voluntarily by the user.
Traffic Statistics
We also use Google Analytics to track the way users navigate our website. Google gathers various user information such as what sites users come from, how long they stay on our site, how many pages they visit, what links they click on, and what kind of internet connection the users have, among other things. The aggregate information of all users is tallied to create traffic reports. This allows us to improve the user experience. None of this information personally identifies the user.
Third party vendors, including Google, show our ads on sites on the internet. Third party vendors including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user's prior visits to our website. Users may opt-out of Google's use of cookies by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page.
Other Sites
In the process of using our website, you may follow a link to other sites. Be aware that other sites have their own unique privacy policies and information collection and use protocols. They may use cookies. We are not responsible for the policies and actions of these other websites.
Usage by Children
We do not knowingly collect information from children under thirteen years old. We will delete all information from this age group upon learning that they are under thirteen.
Future Policy Changes
Club SuperCue reserves the right to amend this policy in the future.
If you have any questions regarding this policy please contact [email protected]
1. General Disclaimer
- You should read the terms of use before using this site. By using this site, you agree to be bound by the terms below. If you do not agree with the terms, you should discontinue any use of this website.
- The SuperCue routines are specifically designed to improve strength, balance, posture and movement patterns in older adults.
- SuperCue strives to provide seated, standing and active options for all programmes, routines and workouts, as well as various progressions and regressions to accommodate the individual's abilities and requirements.
- While all care is taken to provide the exerciser with appropriate options, it remains the exerciser's responsibility to ensure they;
- Consult with their doctor before undertaking these exercise programmes.
- Ensure their exercise environment is safe and appropriate following guidelines, and to exercise at the appropriate level.
- While SuperCue provides tutorials and a high volume of instructional cueing to keep the exerciser safe and moving correctly, it is the exerciser's responsibility to practise the tutorials until they feel they are at a competent and confident level.
- SuperCue requests that any concerns regarding the exercises be directed to SuperCue or their SuperCue Supporter Organisation to ensure that it continually improves and refines its services and prevents any injury or uncertainty for other exercisers.
- The content on is solely for educational and informational purposes. The information on the website and the products it sells are not intended to diagnose or treat any illness, nor are they intended to be substitutes for medication, medical treatment, or medical advice from your doctor. Results may vary, even when using the same programme.
- SuperCue disclaims any liability for harm directly or indirectly caused by the contents of this website or the products it sells.
- You may read the information on this website and print it or use it for your own personal uses. However, you may not modify, distribute, sell, or republish any of this information without the express written consent from SuperCue. Those who violate this term may be legally prosecuted.
- SuperCue does not warrant or promise that will operate on a continuous or fault-free basis, will be completely secure or private at all times, or will be free from viruses or other harmful features. However, SuperCue promises to take reasonable steps to avoid or mitigate these types of issues.
- The laws of New Zealand apply to the use of this website, and by continuing to use this website you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of New Zealand.
- SuperCue retains the right to alter, add or remove any information featured on this page at any point.
- If you continue to use this website you are deemed to have accepted the information and terms and conditions featured on this page and throughout this website.
2. Your Health and Safety
- Check with your doctor before beginning a new SuperCue exercise programme, routine or workout, especially if you are taking medication, have a medical or health condition/s or history of injury.
- Stop exercising if you feel nauseous, dizzy, faint or lightheaded, or if you experience any pain, numbness, tingling, loss of strength or shortness of breath. Check in with your doctor if you have any concerns.
- As a user of the SuperCue exercise programmes, routines and workouts you acknowledge that participation in physical activity carries a risk and that you assume all responsibility for that risk.
- Take care that any equipment including your chair and bands are in good condition.
- Take care that your exercise space is at least 2 metres square and clear and free of trip hazards such as rugs and furniture.
- SuperCue instructions, tutorials, tips and advice should not be substituted for medical advice.
- SuperCue routines, tutorials and resources are protected by copyright and cannot be used without authorisation.
- By continuing use of this website and any of it's content you acknowledge that you have accepted the above.
3. SuperMover Membership
Becoming a SuperMover Membership Subscriber
a. Any individual is entitled to the free SuperCue Taster Session by submitting a name and valid email address, submitting their details this will add them to the SuperCue database. They will be required to set up a password protected account for access to the programme. They are not permitted to share this login - it is solely for the personal use of the individual.
b. Payments can be processed via credit card, and the SuperMover Membership subscription payments are recurring.
c. SuperMover library access is only functional when payments are received and up to date. Access may be revoked if payments are not made on time.
d. SuperMover subscribers will have access to a continually growing library of programmes, tutorial videos and handouts, and continuing education, tips and motivation through SuperCue's website, membership portal and social media platforms.
SuperMover Subscriber Limitations of Use
e. All SuperCue choreography, music, tutorials, handouts, training manuals, images and logos are protected by copyright. It is illegal to copy or supply to others.
f. A SuperMover Membership subscription is intended for use by the owner of the membership. They have the option to grant access to their login to their caregiver only if the caregiver is a Certified SuperCue 1:1 or Group Assistant and it must only be accessed by the caregiver while assisting the owner of the membership.
Cancelling a SuperMover Subscription
g. A SuperMover Membership monthly subscription has a minimum subscription period of 3 months. It can be cancelled anytime after this period, no refunds will be given for any reason.
h. A SuperMover Membership annual subscription can be cancelled anytime after a period of 3 months but no refunds will be given for months unused.
i. To cancel a SuperMover membership you must contact [email protected].
j. Only access to the SuperMover library will be revoked from the individual. Additional purchases such as the SuperCue Taster Session and Discover You - Introductory Programme will remain available in the membership library.
4. SuperCue Product Purchase
a. We do not rent or sell any customer information, i.e. name, address, email etc. Your information will be kept private
b. A SuperMover membership subscription and selected product purchases will require you to set up an account with your name, email, phone number and password. No payment details are required until you choose to purchase a priced product or service.
c. Your account is for your use only. You can cancel anytime after the initial period (3 months) however no refunds will be given.
d. You agree to follow the safety instructions given and proceed at your own risk.
e. You will be sent emails from SuperCue including newsletters and promotional communications. You are able to unsubscribe at any time.
f. SuperCue supports the provision of high quality products. if you have an issue or complaint with your purchase please contact [email protected]
g. All physical products are shipped by New Zealand Post and should arrive in 7-12 working days after purchase date if you live in New Zealand. International order will take 2-3+ weeks for delivery.
5. SuperCue Instructor
Instructor Subscription / Licencing
a. To be able to lead a class using SuperCue branded content, including music and/or choreography, the applicant must have successfully completed either the 2-day SuperCue Instructor Course or the Online SuperCue Instructor Course, AND have a current SuperCue Instructor Subscription. The SuperCue Instructor Subscription is the monthly or annual SuperCue licensing fee which includes music rights licensing. This does not apply to those guiding groups or individuals using the DVD, USB or online videos as a Certified SuperCue Assistant (refer Assistant T&Cs for details).
b. Instructor Subscription/Licence may be included in the initial Instructor Course fee if the applicant selects either the Super Value option or the 12-month payment option.
c. Instructors who successfully complete either the Online SuperCue Instructor Course or the 2-day SuperCue Instructor Course are not obliged to become licensed, however without a current licence they will not have access to the music and routines with the exception of the limited selection of tracks they were provided with on enrolling for the Instructor Course. They are not entitled to instruct classes using SuperCue music and choreography and use of the SuperCue brand and any other branded content.
d. Instructors have the option to pay monthly or annually for their Instructor Subscription / Licence, however all Instructors are required to commit to an initial 12-month Instructor Subscription / Licence.
e. Monthly payments are automatically deducted from credit card provided by the applicant.
f. All Licensed SuperCue Instructors are required to have a current Essentials First Aid Certificate prior to instructing any SuperCue classes, workout and routines. It is the responsibility of Licensed SuperCue Instructors to ensure their First Aid Certificate is kept up to date.
g. All Licensed SuperCue Instructors are required to have their classes covered by their own personal insurance or that of the Organisation they are employed by or contracted to.
SuperCue Instructor Subscription / Licence - Limitations of Use
f. All SuperCue choreography, music, training manuals, images and logos are protected by copyright. It is illegal to copy or supply to others, including SuperCue class participants. This excludes OptimalMe Basics PDFs and Existing Health Conditions PDFs which are intended for distribution to both instructors and their clients and class participants.
g. SuperCue programming and content can only be used with the SuperCue brand.
h. Licensed SuperCue Instructors are only authorised to lead SuperCue classes with individuals or groups in private settings.
i. It is illegal for Instructors to play SuperCue DVDs, USBs and online content to public or private groups without appropriate SuperCue Licensing (Refer Marketing Terms & Conditions for exceptions).
j. SuperCue Instructors are required to follow the rules of the music licences connected to all SuperCue music. SuperCue music can be used for group fitness settings, leading private online classes, or teaching in a 1:1 environment. SuperCue music must not be posted or used online, TV, or radio for promotional / marketing purposes or revenue making ventures including teaching SuperCue publicly online or in the community.
k. Instructors are required to get approval for using SuperCue music tracks for any activities other than teaching SuperCue classes or 1:1 training. SuperCue will notify instructors of music tracks for which SuperCue has obtained additional licensing that can be used for promotional purposes or online. This is not a component of the SuperCue Instructor Subscription but rather a bonus given to instructors.
l. Instructors must not share their membership login with other Instructors, Organisations or Subscribers.
m. Licensed SuperCue Instructors who have other exercise and fitness qualifications may combine the SuperCue programmes with other modalities and activities (e.g. SuperCue plus Counterpunch Parkinsons), however the music, choreography and regressions and progressions must be followed to protect the integrity of the sequences delivered. When marketing a programme that features SuperCue routines and music together with other modalities, it cannot be marketed as a SuperCue class but as a class that includes or features SuperCue routines.
n. Instructors who do not hold any other relevant fitness qualifications must adhere to the programming and choreography as shown, however they are required to observe and respond to their audience's capabilities, and utilise regressions and progressions provided appropriately.
Instructor Class Marketing Guidelines and Limitations
o. Request a copy of the Marketing Terms and Conditions by contacting [email protected]
Cancelling or Terminating Instructor Subscription / Licence
p. After the initial 12-month Instructor Subscription / Licence, instructor subscription may be cancelled.
- Those paying monthly must give 3-months' notice.
- Those paying annually are not required to give a notice period, however no refunds will be given due to cancellation.
q. SuperCue reserves the right to withdraw an Instructor's Subscription/License for non-compliance of SuperCue Licensing or Marketing Terms and Conditions.
r. SuperCue Instructor Subscription / Licence and its offerings are guaranteed for the paid subscription period. SuperCue reserves the right to cease, change or modify aspects of the Instructor Subscription and will provide 3-months notice of subscription changes. SuperCue reserves the right for ongoing continual improvement of the subscription delivery, layout or offerings and can make changes without notification.
6. SuperCue 1:1 Assistants
Contracted, Employed, Volunteer or Independent SuperCue Assistants 1:1
SuperCue 1:1 Assistants Certification
a. Individuals who work as a volunteer, employed or contracted caregiver for an Organisation, or an Independent Caregiver may become a Certified SuperCue 1:1 Assistant by successfully completing an online SuperCue 1:1 Assistant module training. This will entitle them to guide and motivate individual clients only with the aid of a SuperCue DVD, USB and video content in their home or care facility.
b. Certified SuperCue 1:1 Assistants who are contracted or employed by an Organisation may only offer SuperCue assistance to the clients of the Organisation if the Organisation holds a current SuperCue Supporter subscription.
c. All certified SuperCue 1:1 Assistants must have a current Essentials First Aid Certificate or have on-site access to First Aid trained individuals.
SuperCue 1:1 Assistants Limitations of Use
d. Certified SuperCue 1:1 Assistants many only work with individual clients in a private setting. It is illegal for SuperCue 1:1 Assistants to play SuperCue DVDs, USBs and video content to public or private groups. This would require a SuperCue Group Assistant Certification.
e. SuperCue 1:1 Assistants will not receive personal logins to the SuperCue membership portal, however they may ask and be given express permission to access their Organisations Support login or individual clients SuperMover Subscription login. If permission and access is granted, the SuperCue 1:1 Assistant must not share the login with other Assistants, Caregivers, Instructors, Organisations or Subscribers. They must only access the login of that particular Organisation when assisting clients of that Organisations or when assisting the owner of Subscriber when
f. Certified SuperCue 1:1 Assistants must adhere to the programming as shown on the DVD, USB and video content, however they must also observe and respond to their client's capabilities, and utilise regressions and progressions provided appropriately.
g. All SuperCue choreography, music, tutorials, handouts, training manuals, images, and logos are protected by copyright. It is illegal to copy or supply to others including clients.
h. SuperCue programming and content can only be used with the SuperCue brand.
SuperCue 1:1 Assistants Marketing Guidelines and Limitations
Please contact SuperCue for a copy of our Marketing Terms and Conditions at [email protected]
Cancelling or Termination SuperCue 1:1 Assistants Certification
i. The individual retains the SuperCue 1:1 Assistants Certification as a qualification, and is able to deliver the service in a private one-to-one setting on an ongoing basis, however if they deliver this service as part of a volunteer, employment or contractual basis for an organisation, they may only continue to deliver this service as long as the Organisation has a current SuperCue Supporter Subscription.
7. SuperCue Group Assistants
Contracted, Employed, Volunteer or Independent SuperCue Group Assistant
SuperCue Group Assistant Certification
a. Individuals who work as a volunteer or are an employed or contracted caregiver for an Organisation or an Independent Caregiver may become a Certified SuperCue Group Assistant by successfully completing an online SuperCue Group Assistant module training. This will entitle them to guide and motivate individual clients and groups with the aid of a SuperCue DVD, USB and video content in their own home or care facility.
b. Certified SuperCue Group Assistants who are contracted or employed by an Organisation may only offer SuperCue Group Assistants to the clients of the Organisation if the Organisation has a current SuperCue Supporter subscription.
c. All Certified SuperCue Group Assistants must have a current Essentials First Aid Certificate or have on-site access to First Aid trained individuals.
SuperCue Group Assistant Limitations of Use
d. Certified SuperCue Group Assistants may only work with individuals, clients or groups in a private setting. It is illegal for SuperCue Group Assistants to play SuperCue DVDs, USBs and video content to public groups.
e. SuperCue Group Assistants will receive
f. Certified SuperCue Group Assistants must adhere to the programming as shown on the DVD, USB and video content, however they must also observe and respond to their client's or group's capabilities, and utilise the regressions and progressions provided appropriately.
g. All SuperCue choreography, music, tutorials, handouts, training manuals, images and logos are protected by copyright. It is illegal to copy or supply to others including clients.
h. SuperCue programming and content can only be used with the SuperCue brand.
SuperCue Group Assistant Marketing Guidelines and Limitations
Please contact SuperCue for a copy of our Marketing Terms and Conditions at [email protected]
Cancelling or Terminating SuperCue Group Assistant Certification
i. If a SuperCue Group Assistant terminates their relationship with the SuperCue Supporter Organisation, the Organisation must notify SuperCue to remove the individual from the SuperCue Group Assistants database.
j. The individual retains the SuperCue Group Assistant Certification as a qualification, however they may only deliver the service on a voluntary, employed or contractual basis for an organisation that has a current SuperCue Supporter subscription.
k. If the individual wishes to deliver the service on a volunteer or self-employed basis on their own behalf, they should complete the SuperCue Instructor course and hold a current SuperCue Instructor License subscription.
8. Supporter Organisations
Supporter Organisations
a. All organisations employing or contracting Instructors to run classes either in a private or public setting with SuperCue branded choreography and music, are encouraged to have a current SuperCue Supporter Subscription ($190.00 pa). This will entitle the organisations contracted or employed staff to a 5-20% discount on Instructor Training and Licencing.
b. Organisations may only employ or contract a Licensed SuperCue Instructors or Trainees to lead SuperCue classes.
c. Organisations may only employ or contract Certified SuperCue 1:1 Assistants to guide individual clients through a SuperCue programme, or a Certified SuperCue Group Assistants to guide groups through a SuperCue programme.
d. Any Organisations may become a SuperCue Supporter by paying an annual membership fee ($190.00 incl. GST.)
Organisations Limitations of Use
e. All SuperCue choreography, music, tutorials, handouts, training manuals, images, and logos are protected by copyright. It is illegal to copy or supply to others.
f. SuperCue programming and content can only be used with the SuperCue brand.
g. It is illegal for Organisations to play SuperCue DVDs, USBs and video content to public or private groups without appropriate SuperCue Licensing.
h. Organisations may share its SuperCue membership login with its Instructors and Caregivers but must not share its login with Subscribers or other Organisations.
i. Organisations may be eligible to receive a Subscribers discount code for their members.
j. Organisations may employ or contract Licensed SuperCue Instructors who are authorised to combine SuperCue programmes with other modalities and activities (e.g. SuperCue plus Counterpunch Parkinsons), however the music, choreography and regressions and progressions must be followed to protect the integrity of the sequences delivered. When marketing a programme that features SuperCue routines and music together with other modalities, it cannot be marketed as a SuperCue class but as a class that includes or features SuperCue routines.
Organisations Tailored Branded Strength & Balance Programmes
k. Organisations may contract SuperCue to design a tailored branded exercise programme specifically for their organisation clientele.
l. Organisations may choose between an Exclusive or Non-Exclusive option.
Exclusive - a fully choreographed and researched programme made to the Organisation's specifications for its designated audience, complete with Organisation branding and for its own exclusive access/use. Online delivery is included, with additional charges for DVDs and USBs at discounted rates.
Non-Exclusive - a fully choreographed and researched programme made to the Organisation's own specifications and for it's designated audience, complete with Organisation branding. SuperCue will also have the rights to add it to their online library of programmes, making it available to all SuperMover subscribers. Online delivery is included within the pricing, with additional charges for DVDs and USBs at discounted rates.
Organisations Class Marketing Guidelines and Limitations
Please contact SuperCue for a copy of our Marketing Terms and Conditions at [email protected]
Cancelling or Terminating Organisation Subscription
m. Supporter Organisation Subscriptions are valid for 12-months.
n. Annual renewal is not obligatory and a notice period to cancel is not required, however no refunds will be given upon cancellation.
o. Without renewal of annual Supporter Organisation status, Organisations and their instructors and subscribers will no longer be eligible for the relevant discounts and or services.